Big Nazo!
Big Nazo!
Big Nazo! Big Nazo! Big Nazo! Big Nazo! Big Nazo! Big Nazo! Big Nazo! Big Nazo! Big Nazo! Big Nazo!
Big Nazo!
Big Nazo!

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BIG NAZO is an international performance group of visual artists, puppet performers, and masked musicians who unite to create bizarre and hilarious larger-than-life sized characters, environments, and spectacles.

Renegade circus family contortionists, a rowdy rodeo horse, a giant three-eyed robot percussionist, break-dancing police officers, Mountain Trolls, blob-like GO-GO Dancers, a charismatic lab rat and his giant man-eating chia pet are just a few of the characters, environments, and spectacles that create an irreverent musical Commedia full of irresolvable conflict, ridiculous dancing and an epic battle with the forces of chaos.

Big Nazo in Italy

Their innovative mask & puppetry techniques combine stand-up comedy, Sci-Fi, Go-Go dancing, daredevil stunts, soap opera hysterics and professional wrestling with live rock & funk music and audience-interactive improvisation.

BIG NAZ0 has recently opened it's new downtown storefront NAZ0 LAB at #25 Fulton Street across from Providence City Hall. The NAZ0 LAB serves as an exhibition space, a creature-building workshop and community interface. Visitors of all shapes and sizes welcome.

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